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Found 12779 results for any of the keywords of natural areas. Time 0.009 seconds.
Looking back - 50 years of natural areasLooking back at the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission’s (ANHC) 50 years of existence, one of the best measures of our growth is the growth of our System of Natural Areas. Over that time, ANHC staff have worked with pa
Find A Natural AreaWithin the System of Natural Areas are sites that represent some of the best, and last, remaining examples of the state’s original natural landscape.
The Arkansas Heritage ProgramThe foundation of ANHC is its information. It is the basis upon which all decisions are made, ranging from which areas to acquire, to what species to study, to how to sustain a natural community.
22 new plant species for ANHC since 1973Across the country, Heritage Program field botanists are regarded as an elite group that make a disproportionate number of important discoveries. Usually, these discoveries represent new occurrences of rare species, or p
Main Street Arkansas welcomes new local programsThe two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory.
Arkansas Living Treasure Nominations OpenNominations are open for the Arkansas Living Treasure Award until Jan. 26, 2024. The award recognizes and honors masters of traditional craft and arts.
May is National Preservation Month!The two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory.
Mount Olive/Bedford Chapel Cemetery Historical MarkerThe two-story dogtrot structure was constructed by Jacob Wolf in 1829 as the first permanent courthouse for Izard County in Arkansas Territory.
Lunch Learn in MonticelloLearn how to create and grow a nonprofit organization; connect with community leaders and creatives who are fundraising, marketing and networking; and develop successful strategies for capacity building during a free wor
ANHC Quarterly Commission MeetingMembers and staff of the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission (ANHC) will host their quarterly meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 10 a.m.
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